CIBAI Migrações Celebrated Its Traditional Christmas of the Migrant Child

CIBAI Migrações Celebrated Its Traditional Christmas of the Migrant Child

Porto Alegre, Brazil, December 6, 2023.– Last December 3rd, CIBAI Migrações experienced an extraordinary Sunday with the celebration of its traditional Christmas of the Migrant Child, thanks to the immense support provided by the community.

The event offered an unforgettable afternoon for 116 children and their families, carefully organized with the efforts of many hands. CIBAI Migrações managed to distribute 116 toys, 46 school kits, 60 stuffed animals, 116 packages of sweets, and 116 boxes of chocolates, along with 62 baskets of basic foods and 62 hygiene kits for families in need.

The day was full of exciting activities that filled the children with joy, including inflatable games, artistic painting, and a special visit from Santa Claus, who was received with enthusiasm by everyone present.

CIBAI expresses a special thanks to the institutions, companies, and community partners for their generous donations, which made this event possible and brought happiness to so many migrant families. CIBAI also wants to congratulate and thank the CIBAI Migrações team for their dedication and tireless efforts in improving the lives of migrants in the region.

CIBAI Migrações wishes a Christmas full of joy to all the children of the world!


CIBAI Migrações celebró su tradicional Navidad del Niño Migrante

Porto Alegre, Brasil, 6 de diciembre de 2023.- El pasado 3 de diciembre, CIBAI Migrações vivió un domingo extraordinario con la celebración de su tradicional Navidad del Niño Migrante, gracias al inmenso apoyo brindado por la comunidad.

El evento ofreció una tarde inolvidable para 116 niños y sus familias, cuidadosamente organizada con el esfuerzo de muchas manos solidarias. CIBAI Migrações logró distribuir 116 juguetes, 46 kits escolares, 60 peluches, 116 paquetes de dulces y 116 cajas de chocolates, junto con 62 canastas de alimentos básicos y 62 kits de higiene para las familias necesitadas.

La jornada estuvo repleta de emocionantes actividades que llenaron de alegría a los niños, incluyendo juegos inflables, pintura artística y la visita especial de Papá Noel, quien fue recibido con entusiasmo por todos los presentes.

CIBAI expresa un agradecimiento especial a las instituciones, empresas y socios comunitarios por sus generosas donaciones, las cuales hicieron posible este evento y llevaron felicidad a tantas familias migrantes. También felicita y agradece al equipo de CIBAI Migrações por su dedicación y esfuerzo incansable en mejorar la vida de los migrantes en la región.

¡CIBAI Migrações les desea una Navidad llena de alegría a todos los niños del mundo!
