Did you know that there are millions of people around the world who are stateless?
¿Sabías que hay millones de personas en todo el mundo que son apátridas?
Training on immigration regularization in Arica, Chile
On March 9, in conjunction with the Migration Service and the Regional Ministerial Secretariat for Social Development and Family, training was carried out on the immigration regularization process for families living on the streets, girls, boys, and teenagers, in the Peregrino chapel of Emaús in Arica, Chile. Capacitación sobre regularización…
Who is behind SIMN?
If you want to nominate someone, send us an email at: simncontactglobal@gmail.com ¿Quién está detrás de SIMN?
Reasons to give
Razones para dar
Can countries benefit from migration?
Here are some facts about the social, cultural, political, and economic effects that migrants have on their receptive communities, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). ¿Pueden los países beneficiarse de la migración? Te presentamos algunos datos sobre la situación social, cultural, política y económica que tienen los migrantes…
A model to effectively integrate refugees and migrants into host communities
Un modelo para integrar efectivamente a refugiados y migrantes en las comunidades de acogida