Please Consider Making a Secure Online Donation
When you contribute to SIMM, you are sharing in our mission of protecting the human right and dignity of migrants and their families. It’s possible to support SIMM programs in many different ways: Individual Gifts, our Monthly GIving Program, Volunteering, Sponsoring Fundraising Events, and through Estates and Planned Giving. SIMM is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law in the United States.
There are easy ways to make a tax deductible donation to the Scalabrini International Migration Network; for more information, see below.

Transfer Funds
Please email us at contact@simn-global.org
requesting our bank information.

DonatIon By Paypal
Your generous donation will go directly
to help migrants through one of SIMN’s
many programs around the world.
Thank you for helping those who
cannot help themselves!

DonatIon By MaIl
Please print out our GIFT FORM to mail us a donation by cheque or money order, payable to Scalabrini International Migration Network.
Simply mail your donation form and your check to:
Scalabrini International Migration Network Inc.
307 East 60th Street
New York, NY 10022