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Thoughts from The Fourth Floor

Tijuana, April 28, 2020 – As you enter the Casa del Migrante for the first time, the initial thing that catches your attention is the huge staircase that leads you up to the fourth floor of the Casa. Now let me tell you, it is a long journey consisting of three flights of steep stairs and a total of 43 steps. Arriving at the top you will find a door marked “Director,” and that is

In Johannesburg, Hunger Scares More Than the Coronavirus

Johannesburg, April 28, 2020 – Fr. Pablo Velasquez, Scalabrinian missionary in the suburb of La Rochelle, South Africa: « If things continue like this, we will never make it with our own resources. » “Every day in our parish hundreds of people come to make long lines to have a food parcel that is a bag with certain basic products to eat. (…)  We are doing all we can to meet the needs of these brothers of ours who disobey the restrictive measures to