Seeking to make the complex migration situation on the border between Colombia and Venezuela visible, the Cúcuta Scalabrinian mission advanced the Conference “Colombia and Venezuela: Brothers in Conflict, a Border in Crisis”. Through this conference, it was possible to understand the socio-economic reality of the city, as well as the results of the migration profiles of the 1740 deportees served at the Scalabrinian Shelter in 2015, and the results of a multi-sectoral evaluation carried out by the United Nations Office regarding the level of unsatisfied basic needs of the 380 households between deportees and Venezuelans located in Scalabrinian neighborhoods, families in a complex situation who arrived in the last 18 months.
The presentation by Fr. Leonir Chiarello, SIMN’s Executive Director, allowed us to know the Scalabrinian impact in the region through its different services.
The conference was attended by humanitarian organizations present in the region: OCHA, UNHCR, World Food Program, German Cooperation Agency (GIZ) and the Norwegian Refugee Council.