Areas of Training and Citizenship at the Scalabrinian Center Missão Paz in Sao Paulo attended 873 Migrants in the First Half of 2017

The areas of Training and Citizenship of Missão Paz emerged from the demand of migrants for Portuguese language classes and professional courses with a view to a better insertion in the labor market.

In the first half of 2017, the Scalabrinian Center was able to help 873 migrants and refugees. 68.7% of them received the courses for the first time in these areas, despite having been supported with other services offered by the institution. They were all attended and guided by social worker Josicleide Barbosa, according to their demands and needs.

Most of the migrants enrolled and participated in the modules of Portuguese classes offered in Missão Paz. In total, in the first semester, 5 modules of basic levels I and II were concluded in 10 classes with about 30 students of various nationalities. The classes were given daily for a month and a week, taught by a team of volunteers composed of students from the University of Sao Paulo, retired teachers and professionals from other areas. In addition, this area is associated with other educational institutions that offer class options on different days and times, so that it is better suited to the needs of the migrants, institutions such as CESPROM Cambucí and CIEE.