Job Offers for People in Vulnerable Conditions in Bogota

Bogota, March 21, 2023 – An activity held in partnership with the Secretariat of Economic Development of the Mayor’s Office of Bogota through Me empleo Bogotá, the Scalabrini Corporation supported people in vulnerable conditions to find out about different job offers and apply to them based on their profiles.

During this activity, the beneficiaries received training from professionals to prepare a correct resume and tips on soft skills to present a job interview.

This activity is part of the work carried out by the Scalabrini Corporation to be able to link the local population in a condition of vulnerability, Venezuelan migrants, and Colombian returnees to the labor market and thus improve the living conditions of the families that benefit through the programs offered by the institution.

This initiative was developed thanks to the work carried out by Corposcal professionals who are part of the Intercongregational Network, supported by the Scalabrini International Migration Network and the Global Solidarity Fund. In addition, the initiative was accompanied by professionals from the SI Fronteras project supported by the European Union and the German Development Cooperation, through the PROMIRE II Program.
