Our Recent Press Releases
SIMN’s Director of International Policy Participated as Panelist at the Briefing “Migration’s Contributions to Prosperity, Development and International Unity”
The International Policy Director’s participation gained advocacy efforts from the NGO Relations & Advocacy Section of the United Nations Department of Public Information.
New York, April 12, 2018 – The Scalabrini International Migration Network, represented by the Director of International Policy, Kevin Appleby participated as a panelist at a briefing organized by the Department of Public Information and NGOs. With the title “Migration’s Contributions to Prosperity, Development and International Unity,” the briefing took place on April 19th, 2018. NGOs and the United Nations Department of Public Information work together spreading the word about the work and agenda of the UN while assisting associated organizations to network globally, build their communication skills, acquire and utilize best practices, collect information, disseminate information about the UN agenda, and more effectively carry out their work. Continue reading SIMN’s Director of International Policy Participated as Panelist at the Briefing “Migration’s Contributions to Prosperity, Development and International Unity”
Statement of Scalabrini International Migration Network – Third Round of Negotiations of the Global Compact on Migration
New York, April 6, 2018 – We have submitted our edits to the Revision 1 of the GCM. I would like to make some overall points.
Consistent with statements made by several member states, we support adding language that makes it clear that member states should increase or expand regular pathways for migration. This should be a central goal of the Compact, which has the goal of promoting safe, orderly, and regular migration. If origin countries have an obligation to accept their nationals, then destination nations have an obligation to increase legal avenues for migration, as they benefit from the labor of migrants. Regularization programs should be part of this effort, as they can be tailored to long-stayers and other migrants in vulnerable situations in destination countries and provide these countries economic growth, social integration, and national security. Continue reading Statement of Scalabrini International Migration Network – Third Round of Negotiations of the Global Compact on Migration