John Baptist Scalabrini: A Saint for Migrants, Refugees, Stateless Persons, Displaced Persons, Fishers and Seafarers.

On October 9, 2022, the Holy Father Francis proclaimed Juan Bautista Scalabrini a saint due to the testimony of many people who recognize him as the father of the migrant, as a holy bishop and due to the many signs of devotion throughout the world. 

John Baptist Scalabrini becomes a living message of faith, hope, and charity for all at a time when the phenomenon of migration is increasingly a global challenge. 

Vatican City, Italy.- Thousands of people from various parts of the world gathered in Saint Peter’s Square, in an act full of emotion and gratitude, to participate in the canonization of Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini (1839-1905), father of migrants and founder of the congregation of the missionaries of San Carlos Borromeo (Scalabrinians)

At 10:15 a.m., the Holy Father Francis began the Canonization Ceremony in front of pilgrims, missionaries, secular missionaries and Scalabrinian laity, migrants from many countries, as well as faithful from the dioceses of Como and Piacenza . This celebration was a sign that the legacy of John Baptist Scalabrini is still present and stronger, because Scalabrinian religious and laity, day by day, continue his work and promote his message in parishes, welcoming centers, schools, orphanages, hospitals, study centers, ports and borders around the world. “He gave a concrete response to the phenomenon of migration, involving the Church, the government, society, and calling everyone to be aware. He fought what the Holy Father today calls «the culture of indifference and discarding,»” stated Fr. Leonir Chiarello, CS, Superior General of the Missionaries of San Carlos, for Scalabrini Santo.

Migration is a primary issue for Pope Francis and is very current for the pastoral action of the Church. There are many reasons to recognize Scalabrini as a Saint and as a model for the entire Church. In fact, it was Saint Scalabrini who suggested to Saint Pius X the creation of an organization in the Holy See for the attention of all the emigrants of the world, “creating the Special Office for Emigration, a precursor of the current Section for Migrants and refugees that is part of the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development,” Luisa Depontti, a Scalabrinian secular missionary, told Vatican News.

Without a doubt, it was a celebration that filled the hearts of all the members who are part of this Scalabrinian mission with emotion.

Ynestroza, Patricia (September 28, 2022). Vatican News. Roma, Italy. Available in:

Rome, Italy. Scalabrini Santo. Available in:

Mabel Téllez G.