SIMN and Scalabrini Foundation Promote Regional Meeting of MADE Americas in Lima, Peru

Lima, Peru, October 16, 2014 – On October 14th and 15th, 2014, the regional meeting of the Migration and Development Civil Society Network (MADE) was held in Lima, Peru. This program arises from various concerns of civil society networks and coalitions worldwide, and previous discussions that emerged from the Global Forums on Migration and Development (GFMD) since 2011.

The event was coordinated by the Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN), with the support of the Scalabrini Foundation of Chile, and in collaboration with the International Network on Migration and Development (INMD), which is also a member of the MADE Americas Program, and the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), which coordinates the MADE program worldwide. 

The meeting was held within the framework of the preparatory meeting of civil society for the fourteenth session of the South American Conference on Migration (CSM, for its Spanish acronym), in which representatives of various organized sectors in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela participated. The meeting participants agreed to present a statement to the governments of the member countries of the CSM on the progress and challenges of migration in the region and advance proposals for comprehensive and coherent migration governance, based in human rights and human development.

“Meetings like this are vital; because they allow us to join efforts between civil society organizations and share our accomplishments, including endeavors that promote programs such as MADE. The result of the meeting is not limited to the consensus-based proposal of civil society presented to the governments of the member countries of the CSM, inviting them to make progress in implementing the Plan of Action of the Conference. It has also renewed the commitment to unifying the efforts of civil society organizations and government agencies in the definition, implementation and monitoring of public policies on migration, based on recognition, protection and promotion of human rights of migrants and their families,” said Leonir Chiarello, Executive Director of SIMN.