SMSN and SIMN Welcome the Adoption of the Action Plan for Fisheries and Human Rights by Taiwanese authorities

New York and Kaohsiung, Taiwan, September 8, 2021 – Stella Maris Scalabrinian Network (SMSN) and Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN) welcome the timely adoption of the Action Plan for Fisheries and Human Rights by the Taiwan Fisheries Agency, on September 6th, 2021, which will benefit foreign crews employed in the Taiwan fishery fleet. 

Due to mounting cases of severe violations of labor and human rights of foreign fishers who work for Taiwanese vessels and the work of public awareness on this phenomenon by the press and activists, including SSMN, Taiwanese authorities have decided to take action on this serious issue by adopting the Action Plan, which includes, among other things:

  • A minimum of 10 hours of rest per day, as stipulated in Convention 188 of the International Labor Organization (ILO). 
  • Protected minimum wages and direct payment.
  • Insurance requirements for the crew, including life insurance.
  • Care services plan to ensure and improve living conditions.
  • Permission system for employment and standard form contract. 
  • Sanction for violations and offenders publicized on the website. 
  • Improved and enhanced mechanisms to carry out inspections in the vessels.
  • Grievance hotline of the Ministry of Labor to inform in real-time of any abuse committed. 
  • Collaboration with NGO in different activities (inspection, interviews, and investigation of grievances).
  • Participation of crew members in meetings with relevant authorities. 

SSMN will gladly cooperate with Taiwanese authorities in all activities NGO are part of the Action Plan in order to make it work properly and efficiently. Both SSMN and SIMN are sure this is the beginning of a new era in the recognition and respect of labor and human rights of foreign fishers in Taiwanese vessels and look forward to collaborate with all relevant actors to achieve this goal, mainly authorities, agencies and, especially, foreign fishers. 

For further information on the action plan:

For further information on the work of Scalabrinian Stella Maris Network in its support to fishers in Taiwan, please, visit: