The Scalabrini International Migration Network, Franciscans International, the St Francis of Assisi Church’s Migrant Center and the Scalabrini Centers of Boston held a side event prior to the high-level interfaith conference at the UN on the topic of migration sponsored by Caritas Internationalis and the Holy See Permanent Observer Mission.
New York, May 2, 2018 – On the framework of this high-level conference, four partners, Franciscans International (FI), the Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN), the St Francis of Assisi Church’s Migrant Center and the Scalabrini Centers of Boston Area organized a complementary event, bringing together their experiences around migrants’ journeys through the Americas and the accompaniment of faith-based organizations in their journey.
With the title “The Journey of Migrants in the Americas: Personal Stories of Hope and Challenges, and Linkages with the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration”, the side-event aims at sharing human stories of migrants, including their hopes, in Central America and the United States. Whether in transit or settled, migrants from this region suffer from human rights violations, precarious living conditions, and continuous threats on their person. What are the legal issues facing migrants in this part of the world? What are the challenges for people to find safety, a support network, and durable solutions to their problems? How does this link to the ongoing negotiations around the Global Compact for Migration?
“There are many challenges since difficulties appear every day, but within the capabilities and resources, we never measure efforts to assist and guide the human, social and spiritual needs of migrants. Our commitment is to alleviate the journey of migrants and their families in the communities and strengthen our collaborations and advocacy efforts as Faith-Based Organizations in the Americas”, said Sharon Mahato, Director of Network and Development for the Scalabrini Centers in Boston.
About SIMN – SIMN is supporting more than 250 Scalabrinian centers, shelters and programs that are providing lodging, food, training and employment programs; psychological and religious services; protection to victims of human trafficking and support in the integration process to migrants, refugees and seafarers in five continents. In 2017, for example, Scalabrinian Centers have supported 136,319 migrants and refugees and 227,785 seafarers around the world. SIMN is also supporting a network of schools providing education, school supplies, and food, (possibly their only meal of the day) to thousands of needy children. In addition, SIMN is an accredited Non-Governmental Organization at the United Nations, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Organization of American States (OAS) and from this perspective is providing research and support for regional and global policies to protect and promote the dignity and the rights of migrants and their families.