Regional Forum on Migration and Peace – “Challenges and Opportunities for the Labor Insertion of Returned Migrants and Refugees in Guatemala”

The “Regional Forum on Migration and Peace: Challenges and Opportunities for the Labor Insertion of Returned Migrants and Refugees in Guatemala” was held in Guatemala City on July 27, 2017. More than 100 representatives of the Public Sector, Business Sector, Academia, Civil Society, Churches, Association of Returned Migrants and Refugees, as well as International Organizations attended the Forum.

The objective of this event was to analyze the challenges of labor insertion for returnees and refugees in the country, as well as to know the good practices in Guatemala and in the Region, hoping that the public, private and civil sectors will have greater knowledge and with possibilities of implementing them in the country.

The Forum had two panels: The first panel focused on the Central American Socio-Labor Context and its challenges, and the second one pay particular attention to Good Practices for Labor Reintegration and Inter-institutional and Intersectoral Coordination. Carol Girón, Program Director of the Missionaries of St. Charles Scalabrinians, moderated both forums.

This event was organized by the International Scalabrini Migration Network (SIMN), Casa del Migrante Guatemala, member of the Missionaries of St. Charles Scalabrinians, and with the solidarity support of the Alliance for Migrations in Central America and Mexico (CAMMINA).