The Innovative Contribution of the Scalabrinian Model of Employment and Social Innovation of SIMN to the UN Repository of Practices for International Migration

New York, August 17, 2023.- The Scalabrinian Model of Employment, Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation (EEIS) has been included in the UN Repository of Practices as a good practice to be reproduced in the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

With deep satisfaction and all our appreciation to the teams of the Scalabrinian centers on the ground, SIMN is pleased to announce that yesterday, the United Nations Migration Network (UNMN) announced the inclusion of the Scalabrinian Model of Employment, Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation (EEIS) in the Practice Repository of the United Nations Migration Network Hub, which is a compilation of “reproducible practices to inspire those working to implement the Global Compact for Migration to global, national, regional and local levels.

The news makes us extremely happy because it is a recognition of the work that the Scalabrinian Congregation and its teams have done for decades to offer a lasting solution to migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons and returnees through job placement and the creation of micro-enterprises. With this, the beneficiaries manage to become agents of development for themselves and their families, their countries of origin and the host societies, thus favoring a harmonious and mutually beneficial integration, thus counteracting and weakening anti-immigrant narratives and reactions.

To learn more about what the model consists of, visit the United Nations Migration Network Hub site:

For all of the above, SIMN takes this opportunity to thank the pioneers in the design and implementation of the model, as well as all the priests and laity who have participated in the implementation of the model in the 13 countries where it has been implemented to date. Thank you very much to all of you, as well as to the team from the United Nations Network on Migration that analyzed the Model and decided to include it in the Repository of Practices.