Cúcuta, Colombia, March 18, 2022 – At the headquarters of the Scalabrinian Missionaries about 500 people received assistance on the mobile day of services on March 17 and 18. The day was carried out with the articulated work between local government entities, led by the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Cúcuta, and the support of the entities belonging to the Interagency Group on Mixed Migratory Flows (GIFMM).
Eighteen entities joined efforts to tour the communes and neighborhoods with the greatest needs. They brought services to those who do not have access to Sisbén (Identification System for Potential Beneficiaries of Social Programs), general medicine, orientation and legal assistance, support in registering Venezuelans to Migración Colombia (#RUMV), among other fundamental services.
In these massive days carried out by the Office of Cooperation and Border and the Secretariat of Social Development, they seek not only to reach migrants who are the most vulnerable population because they are not regularized, but also to impact Colombian communities that do not have these rights.
« Sowing migration » is a strategy led by the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Cúcuta that has been implemented in the neighborhoods of Cúcuta. This time they arrived to meet the needs on the outskirts of communes 6 and 7 of the city; working hand in hand with international cooperation, they seek to improve the quality of life of Venezuelan migrants, returned Colombians, and the host community.
To see the list of entities and organizations that provided their services on March 17 and 18 at the Centro Piloto, the administrative headquarters of the Scalabrinian missionaries in Cúcuta, please visit: https://scalabrinicucuta.org/cercade-500-personas-en-jornada-movil/