San Salvador, May 12 – The XXXVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Communications Commission of the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM) was held in the capital of El Salvador from the 9th to 12th of May. The Assembly was attended by bishops of the 22 countries that make up CELAM, bishops of the Episcopal Conference of the Canadian Church and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, as well as some delegates of the Latin American Religious Conference (CLAR).
Among the most important aspects of the Assembly are: strengthening ties of communion between the Bishops’ Conferences of the United States, Canada and Latin America and the Caribbean, and studying the possibility of holding an upcoming Synod of Bishops of the Church in America. Which would be giving continuity to the Synod held some 20 years ago.
There were also some events of singular importance for the life of CELAM such as 10 years of Aparecida, 20 years of the Synod of the Church in America, 25 years of Santo Domingo, 75 years of the creation of SEDAC, 100 years of the birth of Monsignor Romero and 175 years of the creation of the diocese of San Salvador (elevated to Archdiocese 104 years ago).
One of the topics discussed in the Assembly was Migration and Refuge in the Americas; the Executive Director of SIMN, Fr. Leonir Chiarello, c.s. was invited to share the work of the Scalabrinian Missionaries in the American continent.