Guatemala City, March 2021– Adapting to biosafety protocols and measures, Casa del Migrante in Guatemala City continues its activities in support of migrants and vulnerable people.
In March, the development of training in presence was carried out with the multidisciplinary team of Missionaries of Saint Charles Scalabrinians. Through participatory and reflective activities, institutional actions were raised and promoted for the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse. The training was aimed at the population served at Casa del Migrante Guatemala, which was approached by the International Protection team.
On the other hand, the community advocacy team trained 9 educators on migration and international protection in person at the Asociación del Niño Jocotenango in the municipality of Sacatepéquez. The objective was to raise awareness about the challenges of the migrant and refugee population, in addition, capacities to identify people with International Protection needs were generated.
Finally, the Missionaries of Saint Charles Scalabrinians, through Casa del Migrante in Guatemala and with the support of the Norwegian Council for Refugees NRC and thanks to funding from EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid – ECHO, continue to provide aid and humanitarian assistance to the most affected by the tropical depressions Eta and Iota of last November 2020 in the municipalities of Livingston and Puerto Barrios in the department of Izabal.