Cúcuta, October 9, 2020 – This initiative of change and social transformations for our children and adolescents is given thanks to the Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Cúcuta, Ministry of Culture, the Mayor’s Office of San José de Cúcuta, the Cúcuta International Junior Chamber (JCI Cúcuta) and the Scalabrinian Mission, as a response and accompaniment mechanism.
24 children from the Crispín Duran, Scalabrini, Guadalupe, and Camilo Daza’s 7 commune neighborhoods of Cúcuta were chosen to start this project that involves them in a process of self-recognition, creation, and identification of the needs of their environment so that they become agents of change through workshops held within 6 days of project execution.
These proposals and opinions will become films made by themselves, children from neighborhoods with high poverty rates, victims of the armed conflict and other risk factors where the Scalabrinian Missionaries are present with their care programs.
From the first day that the workshops started by JCI, who do the accompaniment in the field, they worked with different themes every day. The participants, girls, boys and adolescents can inquire and recognize their qualities, abilities and strengths, which will help them to be proactive in the face of the problems of their communities.
This artistic and cultural process aims to generate a participatory space for children to allow them to appropriate tools of expression, participation and dialogue, using communication as a space for creation and mobilization of issues that are relevant to them.
In the last phase and as a final product, the participants must leave an audiovisual material that contains a solution to the problems raised during the process, in which they carry out all the pre-production and post-production; experiencing the roles that are required to carry out an audiovisual product.
The workshops were carried out under the biosecurity recommendations provided by the Ministry of Health and local health entities. The recommendations included the use of a mask, temperature measurement and constant use of alcohol to avoid some type of contagion by COVID 19.
Source: https://www.scalabrinicucuta.org/alharaca-en-centro-piloto