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Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN) attends the 2014 National Migration Conference, Held in Washington DC

Washington DC, July 10th, 2014 – The 14th National Conference on Migration was held from July 7th to 10th, organized by the Episcopal Conference of the United States, the Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLINIC) and the United States Catholic Charity Service (CRS). The National Migration Conference aims to strengthen and improve the capacity of Catholic institutions in their service to migrants, refugees and victims of trafficking, and to provide them with a better life, while also seeking to guarantee

New Global Database

The new global database implemented by SIMN will allow Casas de Migrantes (House of Migrants) network and its reception centers, as well as its Apostleship of the Sea, to not only enhance their networking but also to generate consolidated information, with the goal of better understanding the variables that affect human mobility. The purpose of this project, which began late 2013, is to create a global computer network supported by an online database and various