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Note to the press – To Save Migrants Today… Does It Requires a “Mea Culpa”?
Rome, March 19, 2019 – The NGO Mediterranea’s ship remained stationed yesterday in front of Lampedusa while from the Government building the usual proclamation read: “They will not set foot in Italy!” The Guard of Finanza had banned entry into territorial waters, but the Coast Guard then gave the green light. Meanwhile, just in these hours, the IOM denounces other deaths and missing persons in front of the coasts of Libya. Continue reading Note to the press – To Save Migrants Today… Does It Requires a “Mea Culpa”?
Guatemala is the Headquarters of the Regional Forum on Migration and Peace: Models of Social and Labor Inclusion for Migrant, Returned and Refugee Persons
* The countries of the northern region continue to be territories of origin, transit, destination and return, which is why it is important to make visible the new migratory flows of the region that touch Guatemala in search of opportunities.
* The promotion of models of socio-labor insertion of migrants, returnees and refugees must start from the recognition of their human rights, such as the right to migrate, the right to return and the right to international protection of refugee claimants.
* Thousands of people migrate for various reasons, but mainly in search of job opportunities. Others, such as refugees and returnees, bring labor competencies that could be an added value to start a social and labor inclusion process.
Guatemala, March 13, 2019 – The Regional Forum on Migration and Peace: Models of Social and Labor Inclusion for Migrants, Returnees and Refugees was held, the objective of this space was to reflect on the context of the new migratory flows in the region, as well as analyzing models of social and labor inclusion for migrants, returnees and refugees in the Latin American region. The event was promoted by the Scalabrinian Missionaries and the Avina Foundation. Continue reading Guatemala is the Headquarters of the Regional Forum on Migration and Peace: Models of Social and Labor Inclusion for Migrant, Returned and Refugee Persons