Nuestros comunicados de prensa recientes
Inaugurazione di Casa Scalabrini a Roma: una manifestazione corale di accoglienza
Si è svolta oggi 24 ottobre l’inaugurazione di Casa Scalabrini, struttura di “seconda accoglienza” promossa dai Missionari Scalabriniani, Elemosineria Apostolica, Conferenza Episcopale Italiana, Fondazione Migrantes.
Alla presenza di oltre 150 persone, rappresentanti della grande famiglia scalabriniana, di volontari, membri di associazioni che si occupano di migranti e rifugiati, sacerdoti delle parrocchie territoriali, rappresentanti delle scuole del territorio del V municipio si è respirata una ventata di accoglienza dal tono spiccatamente familiare e colorata dal contributo di ognuno entrato a far parte della rete generatasi grazie al progetto. Continue reading Inaugurazione di Casa Scalabrini a Roma: una manifestazione corale di accoglienza
The Scalabrini International Migration Network and The Center for Migration Studies of New York Announce the Appointment of J. Kevin Appleby as Director of International Migration Policy
New York, NY – The Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN) and the Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) are pleased to announce the appointment of J. Kevin Appleby as the Director of International Migration Policy for both institutions. For more than 16 years, Mr. Appleby has served with distinction as the Director of Migration and Public Affairs for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Migration and Refugee Services (MRS). In this position, he has worked with the USCCB Committee on Migration to develop and pursue just and rights-respecting immigration and refugee policies. He has testified before Congress, represented the US bishops at public events and with the media, served as a resource to faith-based institutions nationwide, and co-edited the book On Strangers No Longer: Perspectives on the U.S.-Mexican Catholic Bishop’s Pastoral Letter on Migration. Continue reading The Scalabrini International Migration Network and The Center for Migration Studies of New York Announce the Appointment of J. Kevin Appleby as Director of International Migration Policy