Our Latest News

Inauguration of the Casa del Migrante San Carlos in Moreno, Greater Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, October 16, 2024 – The Scalabrini International Migration Network is pleased to announce the inauguration of the Casa del Migrante San Carlos, located in the city of Moreno, in Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina. This significant event marks a new milestone in the Scalabrinian Congregation’s commitment to supporting and serving migrants. The Casa del Migrante San Carlos stands as a space of welcome, protection, care and accompaniment for those who need it most. Its

SIMN’s Practice Published on Migration Network Hub: Advancing Global Migration Solutions

The Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN) is excited to announce that our submission, “Acogida, protección, empoderamiento y transformación,” has been officially published on the Migration Network Hub’s Repository of Practices. We are proud to see our work recognized and shared globally, contributing to the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration. This milestone allows our practice to serve as a resource for practitioners worldwide, fostering positive change in the lives of