On August 24, 2017, the Scalabrini Model of Social Insertion for Deportees was presented at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (El Colef), in order that the population knows the way in which the Scalabrinian Center carries out its work.
Dr. Rafael Alarcón Acosta, Professor-researcher of the Department of Social Studies, started the presentation addressing the topic “Sociodemographic characteristics and plans for the future of Mexican migrants deported in Tijuana.” His presentation revolved around a series of comparisons between surveys conducted by the Surveys on Migration in the North and South Frontiers of Mexico (EMIF) and the Migrant Center of Tijuana. Among the data to be highlighted was said:
- 61% of those staying at the Migrant Center in Tijuana have children on the USA.
- 68.7% of the deportees surveyed by EMIF intend to return to their place of origin, but only 43.4% of those surveyed by the Casa del Migrante plan to return to their homeland.
- 11.5% of deportees intend to reside permanently in the city of Tijuana, according to EMIF data. Contrary to the survey of migrants arriving at the Casa del Migrante, where 30.2% of the deportees intend to return to Tijuana, their place of residence.
Fr. Pat Murphy, Director of Casa del Migrante, conducted the presentation of the Scalabrini Model. He emphasized that about 90% of those who have been attended are deportees. He also mentioned that assistance should be provided to migrants by the government since in the year 2016, the value of remittances was 27 billion dollars, a large contribution to the country’s economy to ignore this group of people.
He indicated that the model has three phases, the first is to overcome the initial trauma of deportation, then reconstruction of life plan and social networks, and finally, to separate from the Center and be self-sufficient. What this work model seeks, he explained, is that the migrant who arrives at the shelter has the opportunity to re-enter the community of which he is now part as a socially responsible person. For this, the Migrant Center counts on economic support, job opportunities, food program, among other aids.
Later, Fr. Murphy added that the inauguration of the Scalabrini Training Center for Migrants (CESFOM) will be planned for 2018, where courses, education and training programs will be given, as well as assistance in legal procedures for those who need it.
For her part, Ms. Ivette Carrazco, from the Department of Social Work of the Migrant Center, presented cases of several people who have entered the house, some have successfully entered the community, while others have sought to return to the United States and others have fallen into drug addiction.
The presentation of the Scalabrini Model was transmitted via the Internet and is available on the YouTube channel > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6xopbVWNxw&t=112