Nossas últimas Publicações
O SIMN produz materiais de incidência e outras publicações vinculadas à migração. Se desejar obter uma cópia impressa de qualquer um dos itens a seguir, mas a publicação não tiver o botão “compre agora”, entre em contato com nosso escritório.
Human Security, Human Development, and Integration: Towards a Peaceful and Democratic Coexistence
Proceedings of the Fourth and Fifth International Forum on Migration and Peace
New York, NY 2016
Edited by
Leonir Mario Chiarello
International Migration, U.S. Immigration Law and Civil Society: From the Pre-Colonial Era to the 113th Congress
The Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN) and the Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) announce the release of an important new book on US immigration flows, trends, law and civil society titled International Migration, U.S. Immigration Law and Civil Society: From the Colonial Era to the 113th Congress.
It is the tenth in a series, coordinated by Fr. Leonir Chiarello and produced by SIMN, on international migration to and within the Americas. Earlier volumes have covered immigration policy and civil society in the Western Hemisphere and in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay and Peru. The series draws on contributions from leading scholars and practitioners in the field.
Las políticas públicas sobre migraciones y la sociedad civil en América Latina
Los casos de Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay y Perú
New York, NY, 2013
Coordinador General y Editor
Leonir Mario Chiarello