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The Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN) Participated in Cartagena+40

Geneva, Switzerland, December 11, 2023.- The Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN) participated in the Cartagena+40 event, held within the framework of the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva, Switzerland, on December 11, 2023. This side event brought together high-level figures, including government representatives, a UNHCR delegate, members of faith-based organizations, and a refugee who shared her moving testimony. Cartagena+40 brought together key stakeholders to discuss future strategies in the context of the growing global migration and

Civil Society Organizations Formally Joined the South American Conference on Migration

Lima, Peru, December 11, 2023.- On December 5 and 6, the XXI South American Conference on Migration (CSM) took place in Lima (Peru). The CSM is a regional consultative process, inaugurated in 2000, that annually brings together consular and immigration areas of all the countries of South America with the purpose of debating ideas, sharing good practices, and moving towards a regional migration policy. This year, the XXI CMS meeting in Lima voted on an