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SIMN Presents at the First Congress of the Pastoral of Human Mobility in Latin America and the Caribbean

For many years, the Ministry of Human Mobility in Latin America and the Caribbean has been strengthening and advancing the recognition, defense and promotion of the rights and dignity of migrants. The conference, grounded in the Gospel and the social teaching of the Church, was attended by a large number of ecclesiastical and religious authorities, as well as by laity and representatives of civil society organizations, whose missions are to discover the best options formobile populations, understanding

SIMN’s Missionaries in Haiti Construct a New House of Worship in a Refugee Camp

As a testimony to a missionary presence in the Caribbean among hundreds of IDPs, the Congregation of Scalabrinian Missionaries joined the reconstruction efforts in Haiti, supporting the Haitian people in their faith and hope, despite the social and economic challenges the country is facing. On the 14th of April, the Chapel of St. Toma was consecrated, in the Haitian city of Croix des Bouquets, situated in the midst of IDP camps and families affected by