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“The Perfect Storm of Migration” Visit of Scalabrinian Priests to the Border United in Solidarity

Tijuana, Mexico, July 3, 2019 – For several months the city of Tijuana has been living in a Perfect Storm, we are witnessing multiple events that are already worrying, but when they coincide in a moment and place, they result in explosive and regrettable events: People are still being deported every day; Trump threatens to deport millions of people after July 4; López Obrador sends more than 15,000 agents of the National Guard to “protect

Forum “Refuge Out of Reach”

Tijuana, June 20, 2019 – In the framework of the commemoration of World Refugee Day, Casa del Migrante in Tijuana held the Forum: “Refuge out of Reach” on June 19, 2019, with the participation of civil society, academic entities, and government bodies. Dr. David FitzGerlad presented this forum The objective of the event was to bring to the discussion table the most relevant issues in the refugee matter: Mexico as a safe third country, the