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Empowering Families Worldwide: Celebrating the International Day of Family Remittances

On this International Day of Family Remittances, we celebrate the unwavering dedication and resilience of migrant workers around the globe. Their hard-earned remittances provide a lifeline for families, fostering education, healthcare, and development in their home countries. Let’s honor their contributions and advocate for safer, more affordable ways to send money home. Together, we can empower families and build stronger communities. #FamilyRemittances #MigrantWorkers Read more: https://simn-global.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/IDFR2024_Brochure.pdf

What is the Password?

The spirituality of our mission Introduction / What is the password? / What is the Stella Maris authenticated password? / Conclusion Introduction: On the 17th of April 1922, the then Apostleship of the Sea (AOS), through a letter of the Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, received the approval and encouragement of Pope Pius XI, who wished that “so noble an enterprise” would “spread more and more along the shores of both hemispheres.” Fast forward