Our Recent Press Releases
Living Solidarity and Fraternal Love in Tragic Times of COVID-19 By Walking Together, We Will Succeed in Building Another Egalitarian World Without Borders!
Guatemala, May 25, 2020 – The Missionaries of San Carlos Scalabrinians, Casa del Migrante in Guatemala, in times of humanitarian crisis has put into practice; “La Casa Accompanies You in Your Home,” because we are living the joy of the Gospel by accompanying migrants and asylum seekers, from the humanitarian perspective of faith, to “accompany, welcome, protect and promote in times of COVID-19 the dignity and human rights, providing humanitarian and psychological aid. Continue reading Living Solidarity and Fraternal Love in Tragic Times of COVID-19 By Walking Together, We Will Succeed in Building Another Egalitarian World Without Borders!
We Are Talking About People: The Regularization of Immigrants
Scalabrinian Missionaries – Region Europe & Africa
Note to the press
Uncertain scenarios and emergencies on all sides. Don’t snap. Italy is “advancing” like this.
When one could, and should plan, it wasn’t done enough because other uncertainties and other urgencies, often only presumed, dominated the scene. Now that everything seems to have returned to the forefront of the picture, a race has begun for who gets the most and first. We saw this for the reopening of the commercial sectors. The criterion of health security dictated the roadmap: “yes” sectors and “no” sectors. Disapproval from the world of football, beauticians, hairdressers. Necessary safety on the one hand and fearful economic collapse on the other. Continue reading We Are Talking About People: The Regularization of Immigrants