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The COVID-19 Pandemic: The Perfect Excuse to Keep Alive a Speech that Seemed Worn

Guadalajara, July 23, 2020 – Border closures and travel restrictions were among the first measures implemented by President Trump to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the United States. This measure restricted travel and some commercial as well as non-essential work activities between Mexico and Canada. At the same time, quite extreme measures were taken on the issue of migration. Express deportations were implemented that allow the North American authorities to expel migrants without

La nuova normalità del fenomeno migratorio

La riflessione del missionario scalabriniano padre Alfredo Gonçalves, vice presidente del Serviço Pastoral dos Migrantes (SPM) a São Paulo, in Brasile I dati rivelano che la pandemia di coronavirus fa più danni tra i diversi gruppi etnici che vivono precariamente in paesi stranieri, colpendo in particolare gli immigrati privi di documenti. Le cose peggiorano quando questi immigrati sono vittime della rete criminale organizzata mondiale. Un recente rapporto delle Nazioni Unite richiama l’attenzione sull’impatto della pandemia di Covid-19 sulla