i nostri comunicati stampa più recenti
The Peripheries Are Underway
Tapachula, Mexico, November 19, 2018 – Starting from the indications of the XV General Chapter of the Congregation of the Missionaries of San Carlos, Scalabrinians, which highlighted the radical change in migration, including its causes, routes and consequences, the new Superior General, Fr. Leonir Chiarello, together with the Provincial Superior of the Province of San Juan Bautista, Fr. Miguel Alvarez, summoned all the directors of the Casas del Migrante of Mexico and Central America for a high-level meeting with representatives of UNHCR and IOM, reminding us of our Founder’s axiom: “to new phenomena new organisms.” Continue reading The Peripheries Are Underway
Inauguration of the New Welcoming Center “CASA SCALABRINI” in Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico, November 17, 2018 – On November 16, 2018, the new Scalabrinian Welcoming Center “CASA SCALABRINI” was inaugurated in Mexico City. The Center has the support of the International Organizations, business sector of Mexico City and United States, through SIMN, as well as a group of industrialists who will facilitate training and job exchange. Continue reading Inauguration of the New Welcoming Center “CASA SCALABRINI” in Mexico City, Mexico